Automated Email Campaigns For E-commerce Marketing

Digital Growth max
2 min readMay 21, 2021

For online retailers, email marketing automation is an effective customer retention technique. The problem is that many businesses are unsure which automatic email campaigns are worth prioritizing and checking.

Having adopted email marketing has substantial benefits. According to a Venture Beat Insight survey, it has the highest return on investment (ROI) of all of the most popular digital platforms, earning companies an average of $38 for every dollar invested. According to the study, “84 per cent of advertisers claim email is important or critically important for consumer loyalty.”

We’ll take you through which email automation to remember, what you must know before you start broadcasting, and how to make the most of each email.


Take this automatic email campaign beyond a simple alert email to optimize efficacy. Consider sending out a series of tweets, and you’ll be around to enjoy the gains well after the campaign has gone online.


When anyone joins the mailing list, the first email they get is a welcome email. A welcome email can be sent to clients, but in this situation, we’re talking about a welcome email sent to potential users who haven’t yet migrated.


Lead nurturing is ideal for automated email projects. Lead parenting is the process of guiding customers through each point of the buying cycle, eventually leading to a purchase. For our approach to lead nurturing at my firm, we use what we call the 3/47/50 rule:


The email you send to a new client is crucial. If you pass up this chance, you could lose a large amount of money. You have the opportunity to establish a bond with customers that can contribute to lifetime engagement and brand advocacy.


According to a Stitch Labs survey on consumer satisfaction, repeat consumers account for almost a quarter of sales while accounting for just 11 per cent of the customer base. It would be cheaper to create a whole automatic email campaign to improve partnerships with current clients rather than recruit new ones.


Email receipts are a goldmine in sales and revenue: According to Conversation, receipts have an overall open rate of 70.9 per cent, compared to 17.9 per cent for e-commerce.

They are the ideal location to make a bid and inspire the clients to take additional actions.

Add these automated email campaigns to boost up your business. We at DGM provide everything ranging from web development to digital marketing service.



Digital Growth max

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